Here you can find a collection of ready PHP Scripts that you can use within the extensions as well as anywhere you desire.
How to create a Joomla Article programmatically
Below you can find a PHP snippet that will allow you create a new article by providing a title, alias, intro & full text as well as category and its state.
Joomla 3
JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_content/tables');
$table = JTable::getInstance('Content', 'JTable', array());
$data = [
'catid' => 1,
'alias' => JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe('My Article Title'),
'title' => 'My Article Title',
'introtext' => 'My Article Intro Text',
'fulltext' => 'My Article Full Text',
'state' => 1,
// Bind data
if (!$table->bind($data))
throw new Exception($table->getError());
// Save Article
if (!$table->store())
throw new Exception($table->getError());
Joomla 4
$app = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication();
$mvcFactory = $app->bootComponent('com_content')->getMVCFactory();
$articleModel = $mvcFactory->createModel('Article', 'Administrator', ['ignore_request' => true]);
$article = [
'catid' => 2,
'alias' => \Joomla\CMS\Filter\OutputFilter::stringURLSafe('A41234My Article Title'),
'title' => '123My Article Title',
'introtext' => 'My Article Intro Text',
'fulltext' => 'My Article Full Text',
'state' => 1,
'language' => '*',
if (!$articleModel->save($article))
throw new Exception($articleModel->getError());
How to create a new Joomla! User Account
Below is a snippet on how to create a new Joomla! user account.
* Helper method to create a Joomla! User account
* @param String $username The account's username
* @param String $name The account's name
* @param String $email The account's email address
* @param String $password The account's password
* @param Array $groups Comma separated Joomla! User Groups. Defaults to 2 = Registered.
* @param Bool $activate If set to true, the account will be activated without a confirmation e-mail.
* @throws Exception
* @return Mixed Object on success
function addJoomlaUser($username, $name, $email, $password, $groups, $activate = false)
$data = [
'name' => $name,
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password,
'password2' => $password,
'email' => JStringPunycode::emailToPunycode($email),
'groups' => explode(',', $groups)
if (!$activate)
$hash = JApplicationHelper::getHash(JUserHelper::genRandomPassword());
$data['activation'] = $hash;
$data['block'] = 1;
// Load the users plugin group.
$user = new JUser;
throw new Exception($user->getError());
if (!$user->save())
throw new Exception($user->getError());
return $user;
// Create an inactive account. User will need to click on the confirmation e-mail.
$new_user = addJoomlaUser('johndoe', 'John Doe', '[email protected]', '123456', '2');
// Create an active user account. No confirmation e-mail will be sent.
$new_user = addJoomlaUser('johndoe', 'John Doe', '[email protected]', '123456', '2', true);
How to detect if a user is a Super User
Below you can find a PHP snippet that will allow you to detect whether a user is a Super User.
$isSuperUser = JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.admin');
if ($isSuperUser)
echo "Hey Super User";
How to check if current day of week is Saturday or Sunday
Below you can find a PHP snippet that will allow you to check whether the current day of the week is a weekday.
// Method that checks whether the current day of week is either Saturday or Sunday using Joomla API
function isWeekend()
// Comma separated list of days to check. Sunday = 7
$allowDays = array(6,7);
// Do not edit below
return in_array(JFactory::getDate()->format('N'), $allowDays);
// Call method
if (isWeekend())
echo 'Hooray! is weekend!';
How to check if a user has certain cookies stored in their browser
Below you can find a PHP snippet that will allow you to check if a user has certain cookies stored in their browser.
// Method that checks if multiple cookies exist using Joomla API
function cookiesExist($cookies)
foreach ($cookies as $cookie)
if (!$pass = (bool) JFactory::getApplication()->input->cookie->get($cookie))
return false;
return true;
// The cookie names to check
$cookies = [
// Check cookies
if (cookiesExist($cookies))
echo 'All cookies exist!';
How to detect if we are browsing the home page
Below you can find a PHP snippet that will allow you to detect whether we are browsing the home page.
// Load Menu class
$menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();
// Determine if the user is viewing the front page
$isHomePage = ($menu->getActive() == $menu->getDefault());
if ($isHomePage)
echo 'This is the front page!';
How to send HTML & Plan text Email
Below you can find a PHP snippet that will allow you to send a HTML as well as Plain text Email.
// Load the Joomla mailer class
$mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
// Set mail sender
// Set recipient, subject and body
// This is the key line which sets the Content-Type to multipart/alternative so the email can be read by mail clients that do not have HTML email capability.
$mailer->AltBody = strip_tags($body);
// Send mail
How to connect to an external database
Below you can find a PHP snippet that will allow you to connect to an external database.
// Define the external database driver options
$options = [
'driver' => 'mysql', // The Database driver name
'host' => '', // Database host name
'user' => 'username', // User for database authentication
'password' => 'password', // Password for database authentication
'database' => 'database_name', // Database name
'prefix' => 'abc_' // Database prefix (may be empty)
$db = JDatabaseDriver::getInstance($options);
// Use the new database driver in your queries
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->select($db->quoteName(array('column1', 'column2')))
$results = $db->loadObjectList();