Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$subform_rows in /home/tassos-pv1ry/staging.tassos.gr/public/plugins/system/nrframework/NRFramework/SmartTags/Article.php on line 144

Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /home/tassos-pv1ry/staging.tassos.gr/public/plugins/system/nrframework/NRFramework/SmartTags/Article.php on line 144
Auto-Populate a Form Field with an Article Data - Convert Forms

Auto-Populate a Form Field with an Article Data

Heads up! This article contains PHP code and is intended for developers. We offer this code as a courtesy, but don't provide support for code customizations or 3rd party development.

You may need to populate your form fields with data from the article where the form appears. This means you can set value to your form fields from both the article data as well as the article's custom fields data. Below you can find a PHP snippet for each version.


Populate a form field with the article's title

Using Smart Tags

Convert Forms provides an {article.KEY} Smart tag that helps you easily grab information from the current article the form resides in.

To grab the article title and store it in a form field, simply go into your Form > Field > Default Value and set it to: {article.title}

Using PHP

To populate a form field with the article's title, copy the code shown below and place it into the PHP Scripts -> Form Prepare area of your form.

// Enter the name of the field to save the value
$fieldName = 'title';

// Optionally set the article's ID. Don't touch it to load current article.
$articleID = $app->input->get('id');

// Do not edit below
// Ensure article exists
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select('*')->from('#__content')->where('id=' . $db->q($articleID));
if ($db->loadObject())
	$model = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Article', 'ContentModel');
	$model->setState('params', JFactory::getApplication()->getParams());
	$article = $model->getItem($articleID);

	$form['fields'][$fieldName]['value'] = $article->title;

Populate a form field with the article's author email

Using Smart Tags

Convert Forms provides an {article.KEY} Smart tag that helps you easily grab information from the current article the form resides in.

To grab the article title and store it in a form field, simply go into your Form > Field > Default Value and set it to: {article.user.email}

Using PHP

To populate a form field with the article's author email, copy the code shown below and place it into the PHP Scripts -> Form Prepare area of your form.

// Enter the name of the field to save the value
$fieldName = 'title';

// Optionally set the article's ID. Don't touch it to load current article.
$articleID = $app->input->get('id');

// Do not edit below
// Ensure article exists
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select('*')->from('#__content')->where('id=' . $db->q($articleID));
if ($db->loadObject())
	$model = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Article', 'ContentModel');
	$model->setState('params', JFactory::getApplication()->getParams());
	$article = $model->getItem($articleID);

	// Load author's user data
	$author = JFactory::getUser($article->created_by);

	$form['fields'][$fieldName]['value'] = $author->email;

Populate a form field with an article's custom field value

Using Smart Tags

Convert Forms provides an {article.KEY} Smart tag that helps you easily grab information from the current article the form resides in.

To grab the article title and store it in a form field, simply go into your Form > Field > Default Value and set it to: {article.field.NAME} where NAME is the Custom Field > Name.

Using PHP

To populate a form field with a custom field value of an article, copy the code shown below and place it into the PHP Scripts -> Form Prepare area of your form.

// Enter the Custom Field Name (not Label) to find its value
$customFieldName = 'name';

// Enter the Hidden Field Name here to save the value
$hiddenFieldName = 'myHiddenFieldName';

// Optionally set the article's ID. Don't touch it to load current article.
$articleID = $app->input->get('id');

// Do not edit below
// Ensure article exists
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select('*')->from('#__content')->where('id=' . $db->q($articleID));
if ($db->loadObject())
	$model = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Article', 'ContentModel');
	$model->setState('params', JFactory::getApplication()->getParams());
	$article = $model->getItem($articleID);

	if (defined('nrJ4'))
		$jcfields = Joomla\Component\Fields\Administrator\Helper\FieldsHelper::getFields('com_content.article', $article, true);
		$jcfields = FieldsHelper::getFields('com_content.article', $article, true);

	foreach($jcfields as $jcfield)
		if ($jcfield->name != $customFieldName)

		$form['fields'][$hiddenFieldName]['value'] = $jcfield->rawvalue;
Last updated on Nov 26th 2024 12:11