- Getting Started
- Field Types
- Email Notifications
- MailerLite
- Create User Accounts with Convert Forms
- MailChimp
- HubSpot
- GetResponse
- AcyMailing
- Content App
- Webhooks Addon
- Facebook Meta Pixel
- Google Adwords
- Sync submissions with your favorite app
- Integrate Drip Ecommerce CRM with Convert Forms
- Google Analytics
- Constant Contact
- SalesForce Web-to-Lead
- IContact
- Zoho CRM
- Elastic Email
- Zoho Campaigns
- Zapier
- Kit
- Brevo (Sendinblue)
- Campaign Monitor
- AWeber
- ActiveCampaign
- Disabling Browser Autocomplete for Form Fields
- Scroll the Page to the Top When a Long Form is Submitted
- Display Submissions Count for a Specific Form
- Populate Drop Down, Radio Buttons or Checkboxes with a CSV File
- Automatically Delete Submissions Older Than X Days
- Silently POST Submitted Data to Any API or URL
- Automatically Save Each Submission to a JSON file
- Authenticate and Login a User with a Custom Joomla Form
- Auto-Populate a Form Field with an Article Data
- Add a placeholder text to a Dropdown
- Create Multilingual Forms in Joomla
- Create a custom Joomla User Registration Form
- Redirect User to a URL After Form Submission
- Export and Import Forms across different Websites
- Export Form Submissions to CSV
- Convert Forms
- Styling and Customization
- Payment Forms
- Advanced Features
- Developers
- Troubleshooting and Support
Spam, Security & Compliance
- Enforcing a Custom Password Policy in Convert Forms
- Add Cloudflare Turnstile to your Joomla Form
- Implement the Iubenda Consent Database in Joomla with Convert Forms
- Add Custom Validations to Fields and Forms
- Add Math Captcha to your Form
- Prevent a Field From Saving in the Database
- Add hCaptcha to your Form
- Enable Double Opt-in
- Allow Form Submissions in Specific Date Range
- Ensure a Unique Value is Entered Into a
- Block Form Submissions Containing Profanity (Bad Words)
- Block Email Addresses or Email Domains
- Native Convert Forms Anti-spam Protection with Honeypot
- Add reCAPTCHA to your Form
- Create GDPR Compliant Forms
Frequently Asked Questions
Here's a list of frequently asked questions about Convert Forms
How can I sync submissions with my favorite app?
Convert Forms integrates with 15+ popular marketing and CRM apps, and there's a lot of chances your favorite app is included in the list. If the app you seek is not included, you can use our Zapier Integration, which contains over 2,000+ apps to sync your submissions.
Read more on How to sync submissions with your favorite app
How do I track form submissions with Google Analytics?
You must enable the Convert Forms - Google Analytics Tracker plugin to track form submissions as events in your Google Analytics account. For more details, visit the How to Track Form Events with Google Analytics guide.
How can I run PHP after form submission or during field validation?
With the Convert Forms PHP Scripts section and the proper knowledge of PHP and MySQL, you can execute custom PHP scripts and do almost anything. To read more details, visit the PHP Scripts guide.
How can I run Javascript after a successful submission?
Convert Forms provides a set of events that help you run any Javascript code when the form is submitted successfully and in many other cases.
To read more details about running Javascript on successful form submission, visit the How to run Javascript after a form has been submitted successfully guide.
How can I center the form?
To center the form, you must enter the cf-iscentered helper CSS class into the Class Suffix option of your form, which can be found under the Design -> Advanced panel.
How can I change or translate the field validation error messages?
Currently, you can't translate the error messages as Convert Forms uses the browser's native form validation to display them for each field. The error messages are automatically displayed and translated into the browser's configured language.
For instance, Google Chrome users with English as their preferred language will see "Please, fill out this field," while Google Chrome users with German as their preferred language will see "Füllen Sie dieses Feld aus."
Does Convert Forms use cookies?
Visitor ID Cookie
A cookie with the name nrid is used to identify uniquely each visitor. This helps us determine what forms the visitor has submitted before without the need to be logged in.
- The value of the cookie has a unique ID for each visitor
- Does not exchange information with other cookies
- Does not transmit any data to a third party app
This cookie is only created if any of the following requirements are met:
- When the form is submitted
This cookie lasts for 1 year and is recreated once expired.
No personal information, such as IP address, User Agent string, or Joomla! User ID, is stored in any cookie case.
How can I install it on Joomla! 2.5 or on older versions than Joomla! 3.8?
Unfortunately, you can't. Convert Forms requires Joomla version 3.8 or higher to work.
Can I embed a form in an e-mail?
Embedding a form in an e-mail is not recommended, as not all major clients support forms. Thus, we recommend linking to a form on a website in an email rather than embedding it there. This is the safest, most reliable solution to pairing an email message with a form. More people will see it and be able to use it, and as a result, participation will increase.
How can I add a Google Ads Conversion Code?
To add a Google Ads Conversion Code, grab your conversion code and place it in your Form > Design > Advanced > Custom JavaScript text area.
How can I create a custom Joomla User Registration Form?
To create a custom registration form, you can follow our guide here: How to create a custom Joomla User Registration Form
How can I create Multi-Page Forms?
Until Multi-Page forms are supported in Convert Forms, a workaround lets you pass data from one form to another, thus allowing you to create a multi-page form. Read more here: How to create multi-page Forms
Can I create multilingual forms?
Convert Forms supports creating multilingual forms to display different forms per language on your site.
Read more on our documentation: How to create Multilingual Forms
How can I add placeholder text to a dropdown field?
In a Dropdown field, you can set a placeholder text such as "Select an option" as the default value to inform your users to select a value.
Read more on our documentation: How to add a placeholder text to a Dropdown field
How to embed a form in an external website using iFrame
To embed a form within an iFrame, you need to create an article, add the form to that article using either the shortcode or module method, navigate to the article on your front end, and add ?tmpl=component at the end of the URL.
If your article URL was https://example.com/my-article, you would set it to https://example.com/my-article?tmpl=component. You can then use the new URL within an iFrame to display the form anywhere on your site.
Note: Go to Global Configuration > Convert Forms > Advanced and enable Enable on Output Override.
How to fix a focused field hiding behind a sticky header?
If your site has a sticky header and when you submit your form, it scrolls to the field that requires attention, and it hides behind the header, to resolve it, go into your form > Design > Advanced > Custom JavaScript and add:
ConvertForms.Helper.onReady(function() {
const form = document.querySelector('#cf_123');
form.addEventListener('invalid', function(e) {
setTimeout(function() {
window.scrollTo({ top: document.activeElement.offsetTop - 200, left: 0 });
}, 10);
}, true);
Replace 123 with your Form ID
Why when I submit my form, it scrolls to the field but does not show the validation error?
If when you submit your form, it scrolls to the field that requires attention (e.g., a required field that does not have a value, a field that is not a valid email address, etc.), then your template or a third-party extension/plugin is using the scroll-behavior: smooth CSS property, which hides the browser validation errors.
To overcome this issue, you should go into your form > Design > Advanced > Custom CSS and add:
:root {
scroll-behavior: initial;
How to prevent form fields and the success message from being hidden behind a sticky header?
When a long form is submitted, it is automatically scrolled into the success message if it is a successful submission or to the first invalid input if the submission has errors. However, if your site is using a sticky header, there is a chance the form is hidden underneath that sticky header. To prevent this from happening, you must use the following CSS override:
.convertforms, .convertforms .cf-input {
scroll-margin-top: 200px;
Replace 200px with the height of your sticky header. You can place the CSS into the Advanced -> Custom CSS option in the form builder.
How to display help text above input?
Convert Forms displays field help texts below input by default. If you want to display it above the input, use the following CSS override:
.convertforms .cf-control-input-desc {
order: -1;
How can I copy my submissions from one site to another?
You must copy all forms and the submission details to export all your submissions from one site to another. To do so, follow the steps listed below:
- Go into your old site's database using a tool such as PhpMyAdmin.
- Export the tables #__convertforms, #__convertforms_conversions, and #__convertforms_submission_meta (replace #__ with your database prefix).
- Import the tables in your new site's database (You'll need to delete these tables from your new site's database. This will remove all Convert Forms data from your new site.).
That's it! Your new site now has a
- How can I sync submissions with my favorite app?
- How do I track form submissions with Google Analytics?
- How can I run PHP after form submission or during field validation?
- How can I run Javascript after a successful submission?
- How can I center the form?
- How can I change or translate the field validation error messages?
- Does Convert Forms use cookies?
- How can I install it on Joomla! 2.5 or on older versions than Joomla! 3.8?
- Can I embed a form in an e-mail?
- How can I add a Google Ads Conversion Code?
- How can I create a custom Joomla User Registration Form?
- How can I create Multi-Page Forms?
- Can I create multilingual forms?
- How can I add placeholder text to a dropdown field?
- How to embed a form in an external website using iFrame
- How to fix a focused field hiding behind a sticky header?
- Why when I submit my form, it scrolls to the field but does not show the validation error?
- How to prevent form fields and the success message from being hidden behind a sticky header?
- How to display help text above input?
- How can I copy my submissions from one site to another?