How to display a form on the frontend

Published in Convert Forms
Updated 29 Aug, 2023

Convert Forms provides you with three methods to display a Form on the frontend. In this article we will explain each method so you can easily display forms on your site.

To create a menu item to display a Convert Form go to your menu > press "New" > Locate "Convert Forms" and then select "Form".

create convert form menu item

Then go to Options > "Select Form" and select the form you wish to display on the front-end of your site.

select convert form menu item

Finally Save the menu item and on your site, you can navigate to the menu item you created which should display the form you have selected.

2. Via a Module

Below you will find all necessary steps to create a module that will contain a form.

convert forms module

  • Navigate to Extensions > Modules
  • Click New to create a new module
  • Choose Convert Forms from the Module Type list
  • Type a Title for your Module
  • Choose your Convert Form from the selectbox and assign it to whichever page you'd like
  • Click Save & Close and you are done!

3. Via a Shortcode

All the forms are able to be loaded in any content article or module by using its special shortcode.

How to find the shortcode

To find the shortcode for any Convert Form follow the steps below.

  • Navigate to Components > Convert Forms > Forms
  • While you are on the list view of your forms, find the form you are interested in and hover of the "chain-link icon" at the right of the forms row. See the screenshot below.

convert forms how to find shortcode

As you can see the shortcode is of the format {convertforms ID}. Where you substitute the 'ID' part with the ID of the form you are interested in.

How to use the shortcode

As all of Joomla's shortcodes, you can use it inside a content article or a module with Custom HTML.