Track Form Conversions with Google Adwords

There are two possible solutions for this:

1. Import Google Analytics Event to Google Adwords

For this solution, you will use the Convert Forms Google Analytics addon to track form events as Goals in your Google Analytics account which you can later import to Google Ads.

  1. In your form settings, go to Behavior -> Google Analytics Tracking and enable the Google Analytics Tracking option. To learn more details visit the How to Track Form Events with Google Analytics guide.
  2. Add the Conversion event as a Goal in your Google Analytics account.
    • Sign in to Google Analytics
    • Click Admin, navigate to Goals section and click New
    • In the Goal setup (1st step) select Custom and click Continue
    • In the Goal Description (2nd step), specify a goal name, select Event in the Type option and click Continue.
    • In the Goal Details (3rd step), set the Action option to Conversion
    • Click Save
  3. Link Google Adwords and Google Analytics account, and import the goal to Google Adwords. This page shows you how to do this.
Notice: Goals are not imported instantly. It could take a couple of days for your goals to become available on Ads.

2. Fire Google Ads Conversion Tracking with Google Tag Manager

This method requires a little bit of extra to work and you will need to be familiar with the main Google Tag Manager concept.

  1. Log into your Google Tag Manager account
  2. Create a new Custom Event Trigger to track form submissions events. Eg: myFormSubmission.
  3. Create a Google Ads Conversion Tracking Tag and choose the Custom Event as the firing trigger.
  4. Fire the event when the form is submitted using the following Javascript code.
var form = document.querySelector('#cf_1');
form.addEventListener('success', function(event) {
        'event': 'myFormSubmission'

The code above can be placed into your form > Design > Advanced > Custom Code.

Last updated on Nov 26th 2024 12:11

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